Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Might be S l o w G o i n g

I am glad for those of you who take the time to stop by my little blog and sit and read for a few minutes. I like to post at least once a week with random things about the 40s. Sadly, I must mention that I am in an area where it might be difficult at times to post weekly. I shall try my best; please do not be discouraged if at times I don't have any photos. :( . I do so appreciate you support, and it's been a lot of joy to see your blogs and see what's happening in your area of interest! Take care!

A Bit of 50s Blue

Two sweet dresses from the 1950s. Somehow, I could not get a full shot of the white day dress to upload. This dress has two large front pocketts and is perfect for housecleaning or a trip to town, donning gloves and a hat. The blue dress is handmade, and beautiful. There is a one-of-a-kind bow belt!! The seamstress construction looks store-bought. I hope to one day become a good seamstress as these ladies from the past were. Enjoy!

Monday, June 6, 2011

The King's Speech: A Review

The King's Speech, a BBC production, is a film so splendidly done that I watched it three times in three days. I shan't give away details in the event you haven't seen it, but it can be rented from Netflix; you may sign up for a free month's trial, order the movie, and watch it at your leisure.

Set in the late 1930s and into the early 1940s, the wardrobe of each actor/actress was created for the time period. (And I simply adored Her Highness' blue hat in one scene!) Pacing was methodical, but perfect for the theme and storyline. Scenes flowed and offered their punches at the right moments.

Each actor and actress played their part(s) beautifully. It 'tis a film that will inspire, enlighten, and satisfy. Bravo! I should say the Queen of England would be proud of this film.

That's all I shall say. :)    .......... ooh, and Lizzie and Darcy meet in the most delightful way!