Keeping the buttons along shoulders, since they come down farther than I had thought they would. Up next: finding the right buttons!
Take a close look at the return address.

Very fine details!
I just finished cutting my pattern from fabric today! I had to re-do the inside belt facing once because the scissors weren't cooperating. Instead of cutting four separate skirt panels, I only cut two - each one on the fold. For dresses and even some skirts, I don't like front/back seams. I don't think this will interfere with the bodice to skirt sewing. Well, here are the completed photos for this part of the project. Up next: starting to sew the pieces together!! Must break out my 1965 sewing machine and find some navy blue thread....
Hello, I have a pattern very similar to the one you have there. I hope you have plenty of luck finding the 'just right' buttons.