Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sew Along Dress Part 7: Oopsies!

I would imagine an old wives tale going like this: "When you start to sew, don't be surprised if you make more than one mistake along the way."

Thus it has happened. To me. And I'm so bummed! But at least it is very easily fixable. I was so very close to being done. Mom checked my work to make sure I was going aright with it. She said, "Your side seam is too short. It won't reach all the way around to the waistband."

Well, so I took out the seam and re-sewed. I was off still. Took out that huge long seam again (the one that runs down the skirt!) and re-sewed it. Another huge sigh and maybe a teeth grit; the thread had missed - just missed - the first folded seam. (I had folded the edge to prevent unraveling and was folding it over again to make a sturdier line for buttons.) I ripped it out again, and it's sitting on the sewing desk for tomorrow's fix.

I'm so close to being done it's not funny! I would have had half a dress to show you by now if I hadn't goofed.

 my perfect square neckline stitches -- I'm excited b/c this was a hard part

 side seam on the dress -- where the buttons will go; I don't think this is the goofed part

 folding over a seam a bit to prevent unraveling

~ buttons are only on there to "show" you what it will look like! Not to that part yet ~

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