Tuesday, February 15, 2011

WW2 American Home Front

Retro 40s girl metal sign --  This is meant to be a joke -- on me!! I am working at it, though!!

It has been such fun to be able to find vintage WW2 items at auctions, ebay, thrift stores (although that is very rare), and other odd places. Here is a meager collection I wanted to show you. Please enjoy!

 A 1940s WW2 ladies hankie. Very Navy.
Perhaps her man gave it to her as a souvenir.
I tried to capture the details.
(It's not in the right photo frame - because it is made of silk, I needed to get in behind glass pretty quickly after being stored for so long. Still looking for the right frame!)

Vintage bits of 40s - 50s fabrics. Very darling, and may have been what ladies sewed with on the meager make-do-with-what-you-have home front.

A vintage thermometer for when the kiddies became sick and the town doctor had to be summoned. 

WW2 desk accessories: stapler, paper clip, V-Mail Reader magnifying glass, and desk organizer for holding letter-writing supplies - fascinating! (There are still some 40s supplies in the little compartments.)

 1940s WW2 letters and V-Mail from a soldier to his parents.
Those V-Mails are so tiny - no wonder families needed a magnifying glass!

1940s radio. Evening times were spent listening to the radio. Fibber McGee & Molly, The Shadow, Amos n Andy, among many others. (I apologize for the dust on this one! The corners are hard to maintain!)

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